Classical and Modern Literature

Prof. Ithamar Theodor studies the Bhagavad Gita, one of the prominent Hindu scriptures, and analyzes it as a philosophical text. His areas of study include also the textual structure of the Bhagavata Purana, a central medieval work, and Indian aesthetics in general. Dr. Sivan Goren Arzony’s research focuses on the literature that originated in the state of Kerala, in southwest India, especially literature from the 14th–18th centuries written in Sanskrit and Malayalam and in a language that combines the two. Her research also concerns Indian women authors. Dr. Roni Sarig compares Japanese children’s literature on the subject of the Second World War with Israeli and Western children’s literature on the same topic. Dr. Michal Zelcer-Lavid explores how popular ethnic literature is utilized as a tool to express and shape national identity in China.