Ithamar Theodor

Prof. Ithamar Theodor

תחומי עניין

Ithamar Theodor is Professor of Hindu and Indian Studies, a graduate of the Theology Faculty, University of Oxford, and a Life Member of Clare Hall, University of Cambridge. Among his research interests are the Bhagavad-gita, Bhagavata-Purana, Hindu-Jewish Studies and Gandhian Studies. He is the founder of the Jewish-Asian Annual Conference since 2012, and his publications include Exploring the Bhagavad Gıta: Philosophy, Structure and Meaning (2010), Brahman and Dao: Comparative Studies in Indian and Chinese Philosophy and Religion (2014), The Fifth Veda in Hinduism: Philosophy, Poetry and Devotion in the Bhagavata Purana (2016), Dharma and Halacha: Comparative Studies in Hindu and Jewish Philosophy and Religion (2018) and The Bhagavad-gita: A Critical Introduction (2021).

    Last Updated Date : 26/07/2023