• רב תחומי לימודי אסיה1
  • רב תחומי לימודי אסיה2
  • רב תחומי לימודי אסיה3
  • רב תחומי לימודי אסיה4
  • רב תחומי לימודי אסיה6
  • רב תחומי לימודי אסיה6

The Multidisciplinary Studies in the Humanities

The Multidisciplinary Studies in the Humanities (Liberal Arts) forms educational infrastructure that expands the knowledge horizons of the undergraduate student through variety of disciplines of knowledge in world culture (East and West). A degree in Multidisciplinary Studies in the Humanities is the key to success in the new world.

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Get to know The Multidisciplinary Studies in the Humanities
Get to know The Multidisciplinary Studies in the Humanities; A degree that combines different fields to develop skills and proficiencies that are essential for integration into any profession and position.
מיהו קטאוקה Academic Staff
Research: BA in ceramics art at Kyoto University; MA in religion studies at Tel-Aviv University
סביבה וחקלאות Research Fields
How do we feed the 4.5 billion people of Asia, more than half of humanity? How…